We love hearing from you! Send us your ideas, feedback, and questions.

For general inquiries, please contact info@500womenscientists.org

For media-related requests, please contact comms@500womenscientists.org

For Gage inquires, please contact gage@500womenscientists.org

For inquiries about how to get involved in a 500WS Pod (local chapter), please contact pods@500womenscientists.org

Please Note

For those of you who have experienced any form of harrassment and/or discrimination, we at 500 Women Scientists extend our deepest apologies. We understand — and are outraged by — how commonplace these issues are and how much is needed to protect people's right to do their science. 

At this time, however, 500 Women Scientists does not have the expertise to provide emergency response or legal counsel to those who have experienced sexual harassment and assault or discrimination based on race, ethnicity, national origin, disability, gender, or sexuality, as well as those seeking legal advice on immigration.

We hope you find the healing support and justice that you need and deserve.