Today is Mental Health Action Day! Today we offer some tangible ways in which we can care for ourselves and the world around us.
Our hearts are broken for the Boulder, CO community where on March 22, a 21-year old man went into one of the largest grocery stores in the city and killed 10 people. Boulder is the home and birth place of 500 Women Scientists, where our co-founders met, where our first Pod was formed, and where many of our members live today.
We are disgusted by violence against the Asian and Pacific Islander communities in the US - the March 16 2021 murders in Atlanta, GA are only the latest in a recent uptick of anti-Asian racism in the US and across the world.
Meet the new Orca platform, connecting our global network of Pods (local chapters) around the world.
Join us Friday February 5th at 6PM EST to welcome Lauren Edwards as our new Executive Director!
Today, we are introducing Gage, the world’s largest directory of brilliant women and gender minority experts. Gage has the same backbone and mission as Request, but updated with a more inclusive language for gender minorities.
This is America. Don’t look away or act surprised; today is not an isolated incident. If we are to enact true democracy in this country, we need to confront the evil of our racist history.
As we reach the close of LGBTQIA+ history month, here’s how you can support the community and make them feel included.
Stand up for the rights of all people to decide if and when to birth a child. Learn about reproductive justice and the harm caused by historic and current efforts to control the reproductive rights.
Get to know data scientist and entrepreneur Amanda Obidike, the Executive Director of STEMi Makers Africa and leadership member of 500 Women Scientists.
Meet some of the women involved in the COVID-19 Oxford University Vaccine Trail at the Jenner Institute — Alex Spencer (AS), Rachel Tanner (RT), Rebecca Makinson (RM), Helen Sanders (HeS), and Hannah Sharpe (HaS).
This weekend, join 500 Women Scientists for a free virtual screening of the documentary “Picture a Scientist” (Sep 12-13), along with a panel discussion webinar (Sep 12) and a Wiki-Edit-a-thon (Sep 13).
Thinking about voter registration, turnout, and health at the polls? We’re right there with you! Join 500 Women Scientists by taking concrete to prepare for the 2020 election. Learn about mail-in voting, get yourself and your community registered, and learn what you can do to increase voter turnout!
500 Women Scientists leadership member Rosie Dutt (RD) had the opportunity to speak with a few students — Demetra Willams, Katrina Lyon, and Samantha Will — around North America to understand the implications of the pandemic on their research and careers.