Meet a Scientist

Thinking Outside the Box

Thinking Outside the Box

This week on #MeetAScientist, get to know Dr. Alicia Pérez-Porro, a marine biologist and explorer. Alicia is a member of the 500 Women Scientists NYC pod, and led the effort to put together a recent op-ed for Scientific American on solutions to stop the leaky pipeline. We're thrilled to count her voice among our membership and excited to share her story with you all!

Meet the 500 Women Scientists Leadership

Meet the 500 Women Scientists Leadership

One year ago, 500 women scientists (and many more) signed a pledge to declare our support science and all minorities, immigrants, people with disabilities, and LGBTQIA. That pledge grew into  a mission to make science open, inclusive, and accessible. As an organization, 500 Women Scientists is committed to providing opportunities for leadership and an inclusive space for all voices and points of view. So as we celebrate our 1 year anniversary, we invite you to meet some of our organization's leadership team and learn what inspired them to join the cause. We always welcome new ideas, voices, and energy, so please get in touch if you feel similarly inspired to step up and help lead our growing organization.

Speaking up, with evidence

Speaking up, with evidence

This week on #meetascientist, get to know Dr. Jessica Prenni, Associate Professor and Director of Proteomics & Metabolomics Facility at Colorado State University. A few weeks ago, Jessica co-authored a study on gender diversity based on an analysis of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry's annual meeting, so we thought it'd be a great opportunity to share her findings and her story!

Staying in the Game

Staying in the Game

This week on #MeetAscientist get to know Dr. Asmeret Asefaw Berhe, a Professor at University of California Merced leading a soil biogeochemistry research group. She shares the arc of her career — from Eritrea to California, from political ecology to biogeochemistry — and her advice to young investigators. We know you'll find her insights as enlightening as we do! 

Science that Empowers

Science that Empowers

This week on #meetascientist, get to know urban ecologist and environmental justice advocate Tiffany Carey. As a young scientist and community organizer, Tiffany has a fresh perspective on how scientists can work with communities to empower and educate. She currently does just that as a Science Outreach Coordinator at University of Michigan. We know you'll find her story and her insights to be inspiring.

Communicating science in everything

Communicating science in everything

Scientist, conservationist, and artist Kika Tuff shares her work at the intersection of science, art, and outreach. She's managed to escape being pigeonholed, seamlessly bridging the worlds of science and art. She now runs a science communication agency called Impact Media Lab after finishing graduate school.

A Balancing Act

A Balancing Act

This week on #meetascientist, we get to know Emily Lescak, a member of the 500 Women Scientists leadership and coordinator for our Alaska pod. True to the 500WS mission, Emily has centered outreach and mentorship over the course of her career development. We're thrilled to share her research, outreach activities, and insights into the (surmountable) challenges facing women in STEM.

Building networks, across waters

Building networks, across waters

500 Women Scientists has over 100 pods around the world, thanks in large part to Dr. Angie Pendergrass, our amazing Pod Coordinator and member of the leadership team. This week, get to know Angie on #meetascientist. She shares her passions for science and coalition building, as well as her love of adventure and the environment.

Meditating on Science in Public Policy

Meditating on Science in Public Policy

This week on #meetascientist, we get to know Philo Mbong. A virologist by training, Philo left Academia to bring science into the world of public policy. She shares how she found her way into science with her interest in reproductive health and how she manages to ground herself through all her science policy and advocacy activities (spoiler: she's a master of yoga).

Shatter the glass ceiling

Shatter the glass ceiling

Today on #meetascientist, we get to know Wendy Bohon, the leader of 500WS outreach and communication. From science communication to motherhood to fighting misogyny, Wendy crushes it and demonstrates that with a strong group of women, we can take some serious shots at the glass ceiling! Thanks Wendy for sharing your story with us! 

Science, an Evolving Passion

Science, an Evolving Passion

Today on #meetascientist I am so happy to introduce Samantha Weintraub. Sam is one of those enviable scientists who has been able to conduct some of her research in the tropics, and later in the mountains of Utah (on skies!). Today Sm talks about how to embrace the evolution of your research, how to draw on your surroundings for inspiration, and the importance of strong women for science...