I can’t decide about this week.. on the one hand I (probably like many of you) spent a bit of time screaming at the internet about the sexism and misogyny that is deeply rooted in society. On the other hand, women were awarded the noble prize both in physics AND chemistry! If, like me, you aren’t sure where to put your energy, here are some ideas: sign up for the Science-a-Thon, join Black Fridays, or become a 500WS subscriber.
What we’ve done
We Stand with Dr. Ford. You can too.
Save your lunch money.
The internet is sexist, we are changing that.
Thanks Lady Science for the feature.
Sexism in physics is unacceptable.
Learning from from successful societies “without any input from males” (NYT)
What we like
Follow Friday: @DrTolullah, @frantecol, @tishabohr, @9replyguys
Global perspectives for the Global Young Academy.
Dear Science, retract your support of sexual harassment.
Particles for Justice.
Changing the face of physics.