Pod of the Week - Laramie

Location: Laramie, Wyoming

Number of women: About 80 women

Frequency of meeting: 2-3 times/semester

Mission statement: To empower women at the University of Wyoming and in the local area to grow to their full potential in science; to increase scientific literacy through public engagement; and to advocate for science and equality.

1. How did you come to this mission, why is it relevant to your city and state?

Our University is the only 4-year university in the state of Wyoming. Therefore, our mission is to continue to support and engage university women in science and spread that support into our Laramie community.


2. How has your pod ensured a diverse group of women scientists attend the pod meetings?

We are continuing to work towards building up our pod membership with a focus on diversity. We have partnered with the University of Wyoming’s Women in Math, Science and Engineering (WiMSE) Group to help engage more women at the university to be active in the pod.



3. Can you tell us about the STEM Expo you had last year? What is the goal of this event and who were the target audience?

The WiMSE and 500 Women Scientists-sponsored UW STEM Expo was an event to connect undergraduate and graduate students with opportunities in STEM at UW, including potential majors, research experiences, fellowships, grants, and internships. This inaugural event included information booths, lightning talks from UW faculty with a spotlight on women in STEM, and networking around refreshments.


4. What initiatives are you excited to take part of in 2018?

We are planning to have our STEM Expo again in the fall of 2018, but to also add in a few other events including a possible 5K in the summer, Trivia nights, and a science policy seminar.


Leader(s) of the Pod: Reilly Dibner, Shawna McBride, Teddi Freedman, Karagh Brummon, Rhiannon Jakopak