If you are marching this weekend in a March for Science, please let us know and tag us in your photos! For those staying home, we'd also be interested to hear from you? Did you march last year? What makes you decide when and when not to demonstrate? As always, stay safe when you are demonstrating, see last week's post for tips! Enjoy the weekend!
What we've done
- Journal editors should not divide scientists. Especially Science editors.
Yes, Being a Woman in Science Is Hard. Maryam writes about it in Slate.
Building a sustainable ecosystem for inclusion and access #meetascientist
Two more Science Salons in Seattle and Atlanta, and more to come in April!
Finally, 500WS Hats are back in the shop! Get yours today!
What we like
- Follow Friday: @GenderAvenger; @PriceAshleyE; @vaughan_soil
NSF's Waterman Award went to a woman! In the past it did not.
Africa's unsung scientists finally get their own journal to spread research.
The right way to remember Rachel Carson.
Getting to chose pronouns at science conferences.