Weekly Wrap-Up

Weekly Wrap-Up

This week saw crucial discussions around climate justice, with testimony at the House Committee on Natural Resources and the release of an outline for the Green New Deal, as well as around voting rights with Stacey Abrams’ response to the State of the Union. These conversations continue to invigorate our work as we imagine bold solutions to building a more just and equitable scientific enterprise, while drawing from a base of evidence to implement them. Together, we’ll continue to do better!

Weekly Wrap-Up

Weekly Wrap-Up

Last weekend many from our organization marched - in a women’s march, on #MLK day and for #indigenouspeoplesmarch. We love to see you all out there standing up for social justice and taking steps towards breaking down a system that truly only supports on a few and holds back most. We know alone, marching will not bring change, but it does bring us together, helps build our network, and makes us stronger when we return home to enact the necessary changes - to make science more open, inclusive, and accessible. Thank you everyone for what you do. Enjoy your well earned weekend!

Take Action Tuesday

Take Action Tuesday

There is about a week left to weigh in on proposed changes to Title IX that will affect student and employees of educational institutions from discrimination based on sex and sexual harassment. Or as ‘Catherine Lhamon, a former assistant secretary for civil rights in the Obama administration, said the consequences of the rule would be devastating for survivors: “It seems like encouragement for schools to stick their heads in the sand and ignore information readily available to them,”.’

Weekly Wrap-Up

Many of our members and pods will join the Women’s March this Saturday in Washington, DC and around the world. We address the recent controversies and lay out our reasons for marching this Saturday. Marching is the beginning, it is not the end. Every day, we work together to make a better world.

What we’ve done

What we like

Weekly Wrap-Up

Weekly Wrap-Up

Hey friends, how are you doing this week? How is your #selfcare routine? Are you exercising? Making time for your own thoughts? Making time away from your computer to be with your friends and family? Maybe a goal for the weekend? Sunday I have 4 conference calls so on Saturday I am leaving my computer and phone and home and plan to get time outside! I also plan to take a nap, I can’t wait! Big hug and see you next week.

Weekly Action - Mentoring Month

It’s National Mentoring Month! Today we want to start the month by preparing you to be a mentor, help you find a mentor, or just celebrate the mentors in your life.

Photo by Evie Shaffer on Unsplash

Sharing Our Discoveries

Sharing Our Discoveries

This week on #MeetAScientist, get to know Dr. Susan Cheng, an ecosystem ecologist and member of the 500 Women Scientists Leadership Team. She has spearheaded our newly launched Fellowship of the Future, which will recognize the contributions of women of color leading in STEM. 500 Women Scientists is currently fundraising to support the first cohort of fellows in Fall 2020. To learn more and support the future of STEM, you can donate today.

Weekly Wrap-Up

Weekly Wrap-Up

Happy New Year! 2018 was awesome, and honestly we can’t wait to see what 2019 brings. I started my year off by listening to the latest episode of the Nod, on setting your intentions for the year. I love the connotation of ‘intention’ because it allows for and encourages assessment and reflection at the end of the year - more so than ‘goals’ or ‘resolutions.’ What do you think? Do you set intentions? Make resolutions? Or do you have another tradition for starting out a new year?

Take Action Tuesday - Christmas edition

Happy holidays to all!

Consider donating to 500 Women Scientists this holiday season to help us kick off 2019. We’ve got options for one-time donations, subscriptions, and even merch! Check it all out on our website.

And thanks again for all your support this past year--we look forward to a productive and more inclusive year ahead!

Today’s Take Action Tuesday brought to you by Rachael Nealer

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash