What is Slack? Why should I use it?
Slack is a shared workspace similar to a group chat or a chatroom. The pods Slack team is a workspace shared across pod coordinators and members of the 500WS leadership. It’s the perfect place to ask questions or get feedback from leadership and other pods! Slack also allows to send private messages. Pod coordinators should have received an email giving them access to the pods Slack team; if you haven’t received this email, please reach out to pods@500womenscientists.org. You can find more information about how to use Slack here.
What is the Role of a Pod Coordinator?
A pod coordinator makes executive decisions for the pod and helps to define the pod’s goals. This person (or people) will schedule meetings, plan events, answer emails, and keep in contact with leadership. Pod coordinators are expected to join pod coordinator meetings monthly.
What are all these emails I’m receiving saying people have joined the pod?
When new members sign up through our website to join a pod, the pod leadership will receive an email with their contact info; the new members information will also be saved to our pod info spreadsheet. You're allowed to edit this document (manually add member in the format: Name <email>).
How can my pod stay informed of events, updates, and general info?
Make sure you are subscribed to the pod coordinators Google group (through your personal email and pod email). We post meeting announcements and important information there. Check your email spam inbox and whitelist pods@500womenscientists.org. Additionally, join our pods Slack team, and check the this website for updates. Sign up for the 500WS newsletter!
Can my pod have a Facebook page?
Yes, you can create a Facebook page or private group for your pod. These pages/groups should not have any information that could violate the 500 Women Scientists 501(c)(3) status. Check the following documents for more info: 501(c)(3) guidelines and annex.
What does 501(c)(3) status mean for my pod?
The 501(c)(3) status acquired by the 500 Women Scientists organization is a non-profit tax exempt status; it means any donations to the 500 Women Scientists organization are tax deductible. It also means that we are a non-partisan organization and may not endorse any political candidate. This status allows pods to fundraise under the 500WS umbrella, but only if following strict guidelines. For more info, check out the How to Fund a Pod page.
How should I contact/recruit/reach out to my members?
We recommend starting a transferable Gmail account (e.g. 500WS [Location] @gmail.com), and a Twitter account (e.g. @500ws[Location]) so your pod is easier to find and tag. You can use the gmail account to reach out to your members via email and by creating a Google group where members can post topics, jobs, event announcements, etc. A twitter account is useful for connecting to the local community and other pods. If you choose to create a Twitter account, make sure to let us know @500womensci so we can add your pod to our pod list, keep in touch, and amplify your pod activities. For more ideas, check out our How to Get Started page.
What Activities can Pods Participate in or Organize?
Check out the pods Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for a list of activities that are suggested and approved for pods. Make sure you are reporting ALL your activities on the activity log. If you are unsure if an activity your pod wants to plan is allowed, fill out the activity approval form to receive feedback from the 500WS leadership.
How/when should pods communicate with leadership?
Email us at pods@500womenscientists.org or contact us through the pods Slack team whenever you have a question or when you want to share something your Pod has been doing. For example, contact us if you need to transfer your pod leadership to another person, or if you are having any issues accessing the drives, documents, or spreadsheets.
Is there any money or funds for Pods? Currently, 500 Women Scientists does not have funds to support pods. We are actively working on gaining enough donations and grants to support full time staff and support pod activities. Currently our organization runs entirely on volunteer hours, but we are working to change that.
Can I fundraise for my Pod?
Yes, you can host a fundraiser for your pod. Check out the How to Finance a Pod page for more info.