List of Resources
We have compiled a short list of resources that have been helpful to many of us on our Sci-Mom journeys. If you have any other resources to share, please send them our way and we will continue to update this resources page. Science moms need more support, especially in the workplace.
U.S. State Laws:
Breastfeeding on the job market:
Murielle Ålund ~ Postdoc, Boughman Lab, MSU keeps a website of resources for parents who attend conferences. Check her list to see if your society offers grants or on-site child care.
Infertility Resources:
insurance Resources and Laws Pertaining to Infertility:
A policymaker’s guidebook to infertility statistics, law, and insurance coverage from Fertility Within Reach
Infertility is a disability and is subject to ADA accommodation
RESOLVE’s advice on asking for infertility benefits
A successful example of how advocating for change can work, from the University of Michigan, a blog from the campaign leader at UM, and materials from Michigan campaign
Alternative ways to obtain funding for infertility treatment:
Think about alternative ways to get coverage for infertility treatment.
Loan and financing opportunities for infertility treatment
Grant, scholarship, and loan opportunities for adoption
Tax credits are available that help to offset adoption expenses
Support people going through infertility:
Join our secret Facebook group: email and indicate your interest in being connected with the group moderators for the infertility support group.
Podcasts for Parents:
The Longest Shortest Time, Stories about the surprises and absurdities of raising other humans—and being raised by them.
Tristan and Biff, the accidental Gay parents
Nancy Podcast on queer money matters for parents
Mary Harris talking about the time she had cancer and was pregnant
Matt and Dorees Eggcellent adventure, join them in their IVF journey
The Boob Group, a podcast about breastfeeding
Unladylike’s episode on How to be a Bad Mom