Take Action Thursday - with Holiday Bonus

Whether you are traveling, surrounded by family and ski slopes, or relaxing alone on a beach with all the time in the world, let’s head into the holidays with a little civic action! 

If you are knee deep in powder and only have 5 minutes: 

  • Email your local paper to encourage them to not shy away from being critical of the new administration. Just search for the staff page, and you can find an email. Easy!  

  • Done writing your Christmas cards, but still have supplies in reach? Take a moment and write your representative or senator. On Christmas break with your kids? Have them write one too! This is one of the most powerful ways to let your elected official know how to represent her/his constituents.

    Dear Ms/Mr. Senator, Happy Holidays! Thank you for your service in 2016. In in 2017 please remember climate change is a fact. Our future depends on the health of our planet. Best wishes in the New Year! 

If you have more than 5 minutes: Holiday Bonus

  • Share your story: write a blog post or an Op-Ed for you local paper. Explain why 500WS is an important movement for you and why it matters to your community? Maybe even get together with other women and scientists in your community and write one together. With the inauguration next month, the stories behind 500 Women Scientists are especially relevant. 

Need help getting started? Use our press release or our first post in SciAm as an example. Send us a message if you want feedback, and let us know when your piece is published! 

Please respond in the Comments section and let us know if you've done these or other actions!