Stronger together

In January, many of us first united at Women's Marches around the world. As Dr. Anjali Kumar said in her speech at the Women's March DC, "We find our people. We organize. And we resist! ... By knowing each other and our stories we will only become more powerful. Together we can fight for women and science and everything being a woman in science means!" You can read all of Anjali's speech here

Now, three months later, we are stronger, more resistant, and even more persistent. We want to hear your stories from the March for Science. Check out the gallery of photos that we will be putting together throughout the week, and send us your own! 

For more inspiration, read Prof. Kim Cobb's speech from the Atlanta #sciencemarch. As Kim so rightly says, "if we are going to fight for facts, and data, and truth, and justice, then we’re going to need ALL hands on deck.

Finally, we are really excited to share this short clip about the March for Science, put together by Project Earth at Fusion and featuring several 500 Women Scientists members. 

The March for Science was the first of its kind. It was a gathering for those who believe in science and those who work in science. They are marching for respect for science, protection for scientists, and for the future of the country.