Weekly Wrap-Up

This weekend, 500 Women Scientists around the world will march for science. We see no conflict in simultaneously marching for science and advocating for women, for marginalized groups, and for equality. Read more about our stance on the March for Science in our latest Medium post. Then catch up on what else we've accomplished this week!

What we've done

  • In preparation for the March for Science, we have posters, coloring books, and even snapchat directions - catch up on our MFS resource page

  • Pods (and some girl scouts) around the world have been making their March signs, share yours with us!

  • On Monday, we met Dr. Rana Dajani, she is an amazing leader and we are proud to have her as part of team! 

  • If you haven't yet, please donate to our joint fundraiser with the Cairn Project, support girls in science and the outdoors. 

  • 500WS in the Huffington Post

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