Take Action Thursday

Our first Take Action Thursday was a success! here are your actions for this week: 

  • Do you know of a family member who is a gift procrastinator? Ask them to donate to an organization or candidate that you support! Send them the link, make it easy! e.g. Renew your ACLU membership.

  • Communicate with elected officials by calling and writing YOUR district/state office and by blogging or writing an op-ed that will set off their google alert. I know calling can be uncomfortable, but it is quick - I challenge you to try it!

  • Keep up the heat on climate change action! Write or call a denier in your state or district. Be sure to say you are a constituent. Wall-of-us summarizes the deniers in this link. E.g. Cory Gardner District phone (719) 543-1324

  • Investigate Russia’s influence on our election process! Call your Senator or Representative. If you have one on the Senate and House Intelligence Committee, call them every day!! Ask your office to speak out by publicly calling for an investigation.

Need more action? You can sign up for daily action ideas on this site recently highlighted in Vogue.