Weekly Wrap-Up

Weekly Wrap-Up

I was in Bucharest for workshop and Jane was in Wyoming for this awesome meeting so it seems like the week just flew by and I can hardly believe September is over! While traveling I started to feel a little overwhelmed thinking about all my projects, so I ordered a soy vanilla latte from Starbucks because no matter where in the world I go it always tastes the same and I find that consistency very soothing in times of stress. What techniques do you all use to stay calm during a busy week? Have a nice weekend friends! 

Take Action Tuesday

Take Action Tuesday

The environmental disasters devastating our families, friends, and colleagues right now are overwhelming. Puerto Rico has been destroyed by hurricane Maria, and Houston is still facing a long road to recover. As a first step we have identified a few organizations accepting donations. Beyond donations we want to hear from you! If you have suggestions, comments and ideas please add more in the comment section!

Staying in the Game

Staying in the Game

This week on #MeetAscientist get to know Dr. Asmeret Asefaw Berhe, a Professor at University of California Merced leading a soil biogeochemistry research group. She shares the arc of her career — from Eritrea to California, from political ecology to biogeochemistry — and her advice to young investigators. We know you'll find her insights as enlightening as we do! 

Science that Empowers

Science that Empowers

This week on #meetascientist, get to know urban ecologist and environmental justice advocate Tiffany Carey. As a young scientist and community organizer, Tiffany has a fresh perspective on how scientists can work with communities to empower and educate. She currently does just that as a Science Outreach Coordinator at University of Michigan. We know you'll find her story and her insights to be inspiring.

Weekly Wrap-Up

Weekly Wrap-Up

Happy Friday friends. You all have been working so hard this September, getting back to into school life, raising money for those affected by the hurricanes, defending DACA, and building an impressive resistance ALL while supporting each other. We are so proud of our community and the progress we are making together. Enjoy your weekend and I recommend scrolling through these photos from Saturn for a out of this world mental break.

Weekly Wrap-Up

Weekly Wrap-Up

This week our actions are focused on DACA; we will not stand silently by. Please read our Take action Tuesday for resources and suggestions on how you can take action (ps call your lawmakers). If you have questions there are a few good pieces summarizing what is going on herehere, and here. And if you are directly or indirectly affected and want to share your story, send us an email - you have our full support. 

Take Action Tuesday


The #fundUSAscience campaign has launched! Take 2 minutes to tweet today to help bring attention to science funding as the FY2018 budget negotiations get underway. 
1) Tell us how your science benefits society and add #fundUSAscience @500wsDC and a picture (sample tweets and instructions here). 

2) Time to revive our habit of calling our elected officials - get in touch with your elected official and let them know what you think about science funding, DACA, or any other topic.

How to have a productive call with your representative - http://www.ucsusa.org/action/phone-calls.html#.Wa7uoNOGMn0

To defend DACA, a list of resources from United We Dream and The National Immigration Law Center:

  1. Support bipartisan legislation that protects immigrant youth: Ask your legislators to co-sponsor S.1615 in the Senate and H.R. 3591 in the House. Check out Indivisible for more information on these bills and scripts to call your legislators.  

  2. Join United We Dream’s Day of Action: There are protests all across the country and you can find one or register your own action here. We encourage all who are able to show up and stand with Dreamers.

  3. Read about the impact of DACA: The law has allowed people to work and attend school without the constant fear of deportation. Read first-hand stories of DACA from the National Immigrant Law Center and share with family members and friends who may not understand or support the law.

  4. If you’re a DACA recipient: click here for reliable information from United We Dream and the National Immigrant Law Center on your rights.

Communicating science in everything

Communicating science in everything

Scientist, conservationist, and artist Kika Tuff shares her work at the intersection of science, art, and outreach. She's managed to escape being pigeonholed, seamlessly bridging the worlds of science and art. She now runs a science communication agency called Impact Media Lab after finishing graduate school.

Weekly Wrap-Up

Weekly Wrap-Up

Our hearts go out to those affected by Hurricane Harvey and we are in awe of how Texas communities are coming together to help each other. If you have the capacity, we recommend donating to Port LightCoalition for the Homeless, or something from this inclusive list

As the summer winds down and our fall schedules become a chaotic mess, remember to take time to appreciate what you have accomplished for the week, month or even the year. Even the little things count. 

Weekly Wrap-Up

Happy Friday! Wishing those of you who are heading back to school good luck and strength for the year. And if you aren't on the academic schedule, hopefully you were able to take a summer vacation and a break from the chaos. We are wrapping up our summer by finishing up our Summer of Writing, and have a few new projects for the fall! 

What we've done

  • Wrote a letter to the ESA society, offering our help to improve diversity and inclusion. 
  • Our Environmental Strike team wrote a piece on the dangers of pesticides. 

  • Our members are breaking into the #scicomm film biz

  • Mark your calendar for our upcoming #FundUSAscience on Twitter Tuesday, September 5th.


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