
Building networks, across waters

Building networks, across waters

500 Women Scientists has over 100 pods around the world, thanks in large part to Dr. Angie Pendergrass, our amazing Pod Coordinator and member of the leadership team. This week, get to know Angie on #meetascientist. She shares her passions for science and coalition building, as well as her love of adventure and the environment.

Meditating on Science in Public Policy

Meditating on Science in Public Policy

This week on #meetascientist, we get to know Philo Mbong. A virologist by training, Philo left Academia to bring science into the world of public policy. She shares how she found her way into science with her interest in reproductive health and how she manages to ground herself through all her science policy and advocacy activities (spoiler: she's a master of yoga).

Take Action Tuesday

This week, we continue our partnership with our friends at UCS, who are hosting a webinar with Andy Rosenberg from UCS and Amanda Stanley from COMPASS, to discuss the efforts to create support for science and science based decision-making in government in order to protect public health, safety and the environment. The webinar will be held on June 28th from 12-1PM MDT. 

Register here!

This is a great opportunity to hone your skills in communication, leadership, organizing, strategy, relationship building, and other key aspects of leading effective change.

Take Action Tuesday

Take Action Tuesday

We are all aware that the EPA has come under attack by the new administration- facing serious funding cuts and cuts to regulations vital to human health and environmental protection. This week, the Fort Collins Pod has put together an action for you, to step up and tell the agency why our country needs environmental protection!

Shatter the glass ceiling

Shatter the glass ceiling

Today on #meetascientist, we get to know Wendy Bohon, the leader of 500WS outreach and communication. From science communication to motherhood to fighting misogyny, Wendy crushes it and demonstrates that with a strong group of women, we can take some serious shots at the glass ceiling! Thanks Wendy for sharing your story with us! 

Weekly Wrap-Up

Weekly Wrap-Up

Since our open letter was published in November 2016, we have grown to >19,000 strong (women and supporters). In the last 5 months, we organized, we marched, we started pods, we formed strike teams, and we continue to grow our incredible network of women scientists all over the world. Have you subscribed to our newsletter? Sign the pledge and keep informed!