Take Action Tuesday

Take Action Tuesday

Take Action Tuesday

This week, we want to amplify the voices of Dreamers in the STEM community and celebrate their contributions to science. You may remember we wrote a piece about DACA in January. Today, undocumented students are facing heightened barriers and we want to find ways to support them. We ask you to watch and share the video of Evelyn Valdez-Ward’s speech at the March for Science DC or read it and share this post

Take Action Tuesday

Take Action Tuesday

There is a massive gender imbalance in the sciences. In jobs and promotions, in publications, in grants received and in invited presentations, women are unacceptably underrepresented. Gender imbalance is only one axis of underrepresentation, the scientific careers of underrepresented minorities, especially women of color, are more severely harmed by this imbalance. Creating balanced science requires effort, diligence, and acknowledgement when the system is not working. As this week’s action we are preparing to hold individuals, scientific societies, conferences and institutions accountable.