Preparing to March on Washington

Preparing to March on Washington

500 Women Scientists will be Marching on Washington this weekend and all over the country and the world! In 51 cities, 29 states plus DC, and 3 countries (see the full list at the bottom). 

For those of you Marching in other cities and countries - have fun and please post your sign and March pictures to the Facebook page or share with us on twitter. We would love to see all of our 500WomenScientists out on the 21st.

Setting an example

Setting an example
The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education. -Martin Luther King, Jr

Meet Rukmani Vijayaraghavan, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Virginia who, using her NSF fellowship resources, has organized a awesome science camp for middle school girls, Girls Exploring the Universe. Rukmani's outreach demonstrates the value in reaching out and setting an example for young girls.

Weekly Wrap-Up

Weekly Wrap-Up

This week I was asked to give a short 'Welcome Back & Happy New Year's' speech at work. Just a few minutes on my thoughts of 2016 and an outlook for 2017. Since I am in the Netherlands, I didn't want to make my speech too political, too soapboxy, or too focused on the USA. But then, I was asked to step up onto a small stage, almost literally a soapbox, and how could I not get a little carried away. 

Helpful resources for 2017

Helpful resources for 2017

One of the goals of 500 Women Scientists is to empower women to grow to their full potential in science. Mentoring and professional development trainings offer a great avenue to achieve this goal. As a start to 2017 we put together a list of resources that may be of interest for those of you searching for mentoring, professional or other networks.